An animated explainer video is a kind of summarized animated video which generally used for business advertisement. It helps the companies to quickly inform the customers about their brands’ or products and helps to expand their brand presence conspicuously.
Animated explainer videos are beneficial for any trades with a message that they want to be heard.

Why Companies Use Animated Explainer Videos?
When users visit any company’s website, they expect to get accurate information about the company, their services or the products the company provides. In this kind of situations, animated explainer videos can easily uphold all the information about the company.
The human brain can understand familiar concepts. The story told via animated explainer videos trough mixing familiar, and unfamiliar concepts help to introduce new ideas to the customers. This kind of videos encourages customers to buy products from the company.
How does an Animated Explainer Video work?
An animated explainer video can quickly bring out new concepts. It deals with the customer’s visual sense.
This kind of video easily expresses all the information about any products or companies. It helps to convince the customers and encourage them to pursue the products. So, animated explainer videos help to increase the sale of the companies.
Animated Explainer Video Example List
An animated explainer video is a significant way of conveying ideas and delivering message efficiently to consumers. Five animated explainer video examples are given below.
Promotional Video:
Promotional videos usually used for events or launching new products on the market. This kind of videos helps to enhance the sale of products. In the event, promotional videos help to convince the people for sign-up on it.
Promotional videos are an excellent medium for advertising on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Information Videos for a Blog:
Information video or Info-video refers to the videos that contained by a blog. This kind of videos helps a blog to stand out of the crowd. Nice info-videos will encourage the visitors to come to the blog more and more, which will turn the blog into a much higher rank on Google search.
Videos for Landing page Sales:
People use this kind of videos for business lading pages. These videos hold customers attraction and raise sales.
Home Page Animated Video:
This kind of animated explainer videos helps to explain the services of any companies. People don’t like a long explanation of services or information about the company. Home page animated explainer videos can describe all information clearly in a short time.
Generally, a home page explainer video contains the features and the benefit of the services.
Thank You Video:
This kind of videos can create emotional engagement. People can make congratulation video, video for the happy holiday or simple thank-you video. This kind of videos can be shared in social media platforms.
Five Free Animated Explainer Video Software:
Mango Animation Maker
Mango Animation Maker is user friendly for both professional and non-professional designers and offers simple drag and drops user interface. This software enables animation video for advertisement, presentations, tutorials and more.
It is a free online software for creating excellent animated explainer videos. PowToon has some attractive animated templates with drag and drops feature. It is one of the most user-friendly animation software.
This online software enables 120 types of animations with five different video styles. Animaker also has useful infographic and typography template styles & people can create professional animation videos using it.
It is an online platform for creating excellent explainer videos. The free version of Biteable enables the facility to create HD quality videos. Biteable takes a few minutes to develop an attractive animation.
It is a free online tool for designing animated explainer videos. Animiz allows text-based animations and 2D animations and has some accessible features for developing animation explainer videos.
Animated explainer videos enable advertising for products, a company or a community. Nowadays, explainer video software transformed business significantly. For making animated explainer videos, you may try the above-mention software.