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Handy Explains How to Choose the Most Comfortable Chairs and Couch for Your Living Spaces


Your living room is the space where you enjoy family time and get to bond with them. Quite naturally, it should be furnished not only elegantly but comfortably as well. Since couches and chairs are major furniture investments, you should take care to pick the ones that are sturdy, beautiful, comfortable, and complement your style with panache. Good quality furniture ensures that you can use it for years and also spruce up the look of your living spaces. Handy emphasizes the use of cozy and relaxing chairs and couches and gives tips to choose them so that it grows to be your favorite spot at home. Let’s look at the tips below:

The Choices

1. The fit of the chair and couch– No matter how elegant it looks; the couch is not for you if it doesn’t fit you well. If you are buying a recliner sofa, ensure that it fits you and other members of your house in all the different positions. The primary fit consideration is the depth of the seats. Considering your height and built, choose your couch such that it adequately supports your back when your feet are rested flat on the floor. If your couch is your favorite nap place, then make sure it is long enough for a comfortable snooze.

2. Evaluate the frame– The durability of a chair or couch depends upon the frame. Cheaper ones have inner frames made of plastic or metal. Good quality and comfy couch will have a solid hardwood frame that will support your weight and last long. The legs of the couch start wobbling in due course of time if they are merely glued onto the frame. Go for the ones that are held on with screws or dowels or are an integral part of the frame. A sturdy built of the furniture makes it comfortable and easy to lounge on.

3. Check the cushions– Cushions define the comfort of the couch like nothing else. Firm and resilient cushions that fit snugly within the sofa frame are the best bet. The cushions that retain their shape after it is pressed down and released will stay new and remain comfortable. The material best suited for cushions should be a balance between a firm foam and a soft one. High resilient foam cushions are comfortable and also long-lasting.

4. The padding of the couch– A living room chair or couch is used a lot and thus tends to wear down with the passage of time. Feel the edges and corners of your couch so that you are sure they are padded well and do not hurt once the furniture is worn out. While checking, make sure that you do not feel the edges of the frame through the upholstery. If you can, your couch will not be comfortable to use.


When bought after these evaluations, a couch or chair can last long enough to be handed down to the next generation as well. Handy feels that it is important to invest in one prudently and after checking on all the comfort factors. After all, it is going to be your favorite hangout place at home.